OmniMath offers seminars in commodity systems and operations, in disaster planning and recovery, and in several operating system and database packages. Seminars include:
Introduction to Commodities. Intended for those new to the industry, this seminar provides a comprehensive overview of the commodities markets, including exchange-traded commodities and physicals. Industry terminology, key concepts, important calculations and exchange and regulatory bodies are all covered. Case studies provide practical experience. 3 Days
Back-office Operations. This seminar is designed for new operations employees, or for managers tasked with preparing for new markets. Ordering, position maintenance and reconciliation, customer reporting, exchange and regulatory requirements, settlement and deliveries are all covered. Case studies provide practical experience. 3 Days
The UNIX/LINUX Operating Systems. Any introductory course for users new to UNIX and LINUX, this seminar deals with UNIX file concepts, commands, shell programming, visual desktops, and selected UNIX utilities. UNIX/Windows differences are explored and explained. 2 Days
The MySQL Database Package. MySQL is a powerful, free, Open Source database package that runs on Windows, Linux and UNIX and integrates will with other software. This seminar reviews basic MySQL concepts, and provides a foundation for programmer and non-programmer users to become comfortable with this powerful tool. 3 Days
Microsoft Access for Non-Programmers. MS Access is a database package that is widely available for corporate and individual users. This seminar gives the non-programmer the skills to develop and use Access databases, generate reports, and create data-entry forms. 2 Days
Planning for Security, Safety and Reliability. Basic business continuity concepts, as applied to the financial industry, are covered in this seminar. Trading, operations, communications and IT are all reviewed in the scope of this course. Special emphasis is given to data privacy and security. 2 Days
Issues in E-commerce. This seminar explores the issues that must be faced in readying a company for e-commerce. Included are discussions of security, reliability, scalability and cost. Special attention is paid to the process of defining e-commerce goals and objectives. Alternative technologies are reviewed and discussed. 3 Days
Seminars are scheduled at various locations throughout the year. Seminars can also be delivered on-site at your location if a minimum registration of ten attendees is guaranteed.